# News Media industry changes caused by AI and big data? Go back to [[Week 3 - Introduction]] --- What has changed in the fourth industrial revolution for the news media? - Content monetisation. - Content creation. - Content dissemination. - Consumer behaviour. - Business models. - Competency requirements. Taken from: The digital revolutionmakes an unprecedented impact on the content monetization, cre-ation and dissemination in the media industry.Changes in consumer behaviorlead to alterationsof business models as well, and make to rethink the competencies required by the industry. --- A New Test of Artificial Intelligence - Should the Media Industry Be Afraid? Go back to the [[Readings list]] or the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] Reference: Horska, K. (2020). A New Test of Artificial Intelligence: Should the Media Industry Be Afraid? Science and Education a New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences, VIII(39). The [relevant section is available here.](http://seanewdim.com/uploads/3/4/5/1/34511564/httpsdoi.org10.31174send-hs2020-231viii39-06.pdf)